
tilepieces documentation - package-manager-projects
tilepieces documentation - package-manager-projects-create

Create Project

After clicking on the Create button, a prompt dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the project. The project name cannot have the following characters:


You cannot write the name of an existing project, otherwise an error will be generated.

tilepieces documentation - package-manager-projects-upload

Upload a project

By clicking on this button it will be possible to choose a zip file that may contains multiple projects.
To do this, there is a file called "tilepieces.projects.json" present in the root of your zip file, containing an array of projects.
If you want, you can simply load a zipped folder: a prompt dialog will ask for the name of the project where the zip files will be saved.

tilepieces documentation - package-manager-projects-export

Export a project

Clicking on this button will generate a zip file containing the selected projects.

tilepieces documentation - package-manager-projects-list

Project list

This section will show all the projects associated with the application sorted by the last time they were opened.

tilepieces documentation - package-manager-projects-open

Open project

By clicking on this button will open the selected project.

tilepieces documentation - package-manager-projects-delete

Delete project

By clicking on this button a confirmation window will appear asking you if you really want to delete the project. This action cannot be undone.