A css property will be written to the current stylesheet. The rule will be chosen based on the parameters passed.
tilepieces.core.setCss(element, propertyName, value, selectorText);
- element
- The DOM element that should be affected by the property. If insertStyleSheets is not setted, the property will be written in its style attribute.
- propertyName
- A DOMString representing the CSS property name (hyphen case) to be modified.
- value
- A DOMString containing the new property value. If not specified, treated as the empty string. Note: value should not contain "!important", and if the chosen rule for insertion already exists it will be ignored.
- selectorText
- If not specified, it will take the one associated with the element. This is either the last rule (by specificity) associated with the element or one formed by tagName + assigned classes (for example "div.class1.class2").
Return Value
The value actually assigned by the browser to the rule. This may differ from the value written in the parameters.